
Description of the target group and characteristics of the ideal customer. This is our perception and expectation rather than an in-depth analysis based on the data.

NOTE: it’s an internal document to gather the results of the Brand Promise workshops. We want it to unify and organise the conclusions we developed there. It is also intended to make it easier to understand internally. The content is not set up as elements for publication, except of Brand Promise (as a single sentence).

Our brand's key target audience is Entrepreneurs and Executives and business leaders.

They have an idea to solve a business problem in their area of expertise and a plan for bringing that idea to the market. They need a team to execute technical parts. The primary brand communication is addressed to them.

Executives (Manager, CxO, Vice president) of non-IT business. They have a stable business that generates cash. They have business challenges in different areas that they might solve with technology.

Customer needs

All of our audiences need technology to solve their business problems, whether it is a problem of the current solution (Executives of traditional business) or a new one (Entrepreneurs/Founders). They need to focus on the business side of the venture and look for a partner to execute technical parts.

A. They see potential, but they aren’t able to bootstrap a team that can take care of it

B. The team already exists, but they struggle with: