Before you start working on big goals, start by understanding your team's situation. It’s good to bring your team together at a retro-like meeting. That meeting will help you understand what your team sees and what you don’t. Maybe it’s a workload, maybe it’s an organization of work, or maybe it’s a new project that just popped out and looks promising.

There is a difference between problems and situation that Seth Godin explains perfectly here. We want to understand our situation to improve your and your team decisions.

Situation map is a tool. We use that tool to define the current state of things in a team for example:

Those things can describe current problems from a relationship with the client, tech, or team perspective. When you distill them the first time, they are usually complex or complicated. You can’t solve them with one decision but rather a series of decisions and observations from different sides.

Why is it important to understand the situation?

How do we work with situations?

Some materials